🇺🇸 EN


🔍 Analysis (10)

The Sovereign Individual in the age of technofeudalism

Deep Work: the ultimate state of focus?

The Chatbot Masquerade: Crafting a personality with NLP and grammar

🎭 Privacy (5)

The attention economy: from engagement to dollars

Dark patterns: submission by design?

Respecting Users Privacy - The oddity that must become a standard

Growing beyond the advertising model to achieve democracy’s true potential

Facebook X Cambridge Analytica : the hidden cost of free services

🕸 Static Web (2)

The Edge of the Static Web

Static web - back to the roots?

⛓ Blockchain (5)

Blockchains meet Telecommunications: Opportunity, Risk, or A Necessity?

Is stability a necessity for cryptocurrencies mainstream adoption?

Money 101 - Discarding the myth of bartering to understand Bitcoin better

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Crypto Bullshit: How to spot a shitcoin?

Why decentralization matters? A 12 min overview for the layman

🌌 DeFi (43)

Subtles nuances with great consequences: a cross analysis of Curve and Velodrome

Farewell to the GHO Liquidity Committee and reflections on the rise of DeFi newspeak

Calling for your support to keep Aave's governance community-driven

🔮 Discovery (10)

Understanding innovations in money markets to envision their future

Assessing risk in decentralized finance: a handbook for money markets

🍷 Yields are like fine wines, the secret lies in the brewing process

BadgerDAO's story: an intro through DIGG

Volume begets fees: how are the main decentralized exchanges capturing value?

Yearn Finance's Merger Spree

DeFi is a toolbox reaching beyond finance

Yearn Finance's Forks: The State of the Waifus Family

YearnFinance - DeFi on autopilot?

A cold look at decentralized finance mass adoption: introducing the Great DeFi Filter

💸 Practical (9)

🌽 Defi money markets cookbook

🐊 Navigating the swap swamps

🤖 Vaults: DeFi Investing Streamlined?

🧭 DeFi Moneygames: Assessing risk and avoiding wreckage

🎚 ETH exposure or DeFi yields: why choose?

💦 The Yield Farmer Tier List

🧰 The DeFinancial Farming Toolbox

How DeFi can pay for your lunches

Free coffees ☕, thanks to DeFi

⚙ Understanding (21)

Is this a Lending Protocol Renaissance?

The Maurauder's Map of Decentralized Stablecoins

Staying Ahead of the Curve: the shift from Liquidity Mining to Liquidity Shaping

ve(3,3), the logical next step after veCRV?

Liquity-driver token races beyond Curve: a look at the Balancer Wars

Chicken Bonds: an NFT-powered hatching factory to beat DeFi’s liquidity chicken and egg problem

Can Aave's GHO stablecoin help the protocol further grow and overtake MakerDAO and DAI?

Behind the scene of the decentralization theater: a study of the inalterability of DeFi protocols

⚔ Advanced CRV warfare: analysis of protocols built on top of Curve and Convex

How to build an inflation-proof DeFi portfolio?

🎲 PoolTogether: The story of the no-loss lottery where everyone wins

⚖️ Liquity: an unstoppable, efficient and innovative borrowing service

⚔ CRV wars: understanding the race to accumulate power to influence Curve Finance protocol

🗿 Reflexer Labs (RAI) : the What, How and Why

Janus: the new sworn enemy of DeFi protocols?

🎡 DeFi Flywheel : engineering protocol to protocol synergies through tokens

Exploring stable assets on Ethereum: approaches & endgame

⚖ The tale of two seigniorage models: Basis vs ESD

🗡 Risk? Yes please, but exactly how I like it

The state & future of algorithmic stablecoins

📖 How to make DeFinancial products work for you

📔 Guide (2)

Exploring and Industry & Finding Content Ideas: a matter of tools?

Reddit and Reddit Ads Hitchhiker’s Guide

🃏 NFT (4)

NFTfi: NFT meets DeFi, liquidity and leverage ensue

Long live to free and on-chain auditable wrestling

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs): the weight and contribution of ascertainable history

Non-fungible tokens explained with Blastoise and Charizard

🧔 Opinions (3)

Why is technocentrism killing blockchains?

🗺 NaaS (2)

The Nation as a Service and its fractional citizenship- a good idea?

The Demise of Nation States: Introducing the Nation as a Service (NaaS)

👩‍🔧 Projects (7)

Introducing my next step: contributing to a DeFi mastermind geared to support trustless and unstoppable DeFi: The DeFi Collective

Announcement: TokenBrice 🤝 Maverick

Hiring a Junior DeFi Strategist to help foster the growth of immutable protocols

Announcement: Joining Liquity to bolster the growth of unstoppable DeFi

One step closer towards working for and answering to the Ethereum & DeFi community

Hello, World!

EcoCrypto's Manifesto

🔧 Tutorials (2)

How To Build A Cryptobot In Python Able To Fetch Data From External APIs

How to host a Python server for a SAP Conversational AI bot using Github and Heroku

🎮 Twitch (1)

TokenBrice, désormais 100% en français et bientôt sur Twitch !